Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Evolution 101 Webquest

What are the mechanisms of evolution?

Descent and the genetic differences that are heritable and passed onto the next generation.  Mutation, migration (gene flow), genetic drift, and natural selection as mechanisms of change.  The importance of genetic variation.  The random nature of genetic drift and the effects of a reduction in genetic variation.  How variation differential reproduction and heredity result in evolution by natural selection.  How different species can effect each others evolution through co evolution.

What are 4 different types of species concepts?

organisms may appear to be alike and be different species.  Organisms may look different and yet be the same species.  Ring species have species with a geographic distribution that forms a ring and warps at the end.

What are four modes of speciation?  Describe and give an example.

The four modes of speciation are called Allopatric, Periatric, Parapatric, and Sympatric.  The allopatric speciation is that of Charles Darwin's Galapagos Finches.  The Periatric speciation is walking or traveling about .  The Sympatric speciation is when a new species arise.

What are some basic patterns in macro evolution?

Many lineages on the tree of life exhibit stasis, which just mean that they don't change much for a long time.  Lineages can change quickly or slowly.  Characters change can happen in a single direction, such as evolving additional segments, or it may nurse itself by gaining and losing segments.

What is homology?  An analogy?  Give examples.

A homology is the quality or condition of being homologous.  No, it is not an analogy.

What are the three evidences of how we know what happened when?

At the neck of evolution theory is the basic idea that life has existed for billions of years and has changed over time.  Overwhelming evidence supports this fact.  Scientist continue to argue about details of evolution, but he question of whether life has a long history or not has answered in the affirmative at least two centuries ago.

What is an evolutionary trend?

An evolutionary trend is a general direction of evolutionary change.

What are the big trends in evolution are entropy, entropy, energy intensiveness, evolutionary versatility, developmental depth, structural depth, adeptness, size and complexity.
What are the big trends in evolution?
The big trends in evolution are entropy, energy intensiveness; evolutionary versatility, developmental depth, structural depth, adoptedness, size and complexity.
Human Evolution
What are the four types of skulls?  What are at least 3 characteristics of each?
Mystery Skull-  From Europe where both Homo heidelbergensis and Homo heidelbergensis  have been found, their skulls have similar shapes, but each species have unique skull features.  To identify the mystery skull, compare it to the Homo heidebergenisis and Homo neanderthalass skulls.  Mystery Skull-  This mystery skull is from Koobi Fora, Kenya, where three early human species have been found around the same time Homohabilis, Homoerectus, and Paranthropus boisei.  To identify the skull, compare it to the skull from each of these three species.  Mystery Skull-  This Mystery Skull Homo Erectus skull is from Africa.  Some years ago, scientists proposed that fossils called Homo erectus from Africa and Asia were actually from two different species.  Mystery Skull-  This male mystery skull is nicknamed the Black Skull due to it's color.  It was originally assigned to the species Paronthropus boisei to similarities in the wire flaring cheekbones. 
What are the four main groups and what are their common characteristics?
The four main groups are the Homo, Paranthropus, Australopithecus and the Ardipithecus group.
What are the 7 characteristics of humans?
1)  Humans are created in the image and likeness of God.
2)  Humans are called to happiness and holiness.
3)  Humans are rational and free.
4)  Humans are moral beings.
5)  Humans have passions or feelings.
6)  Humans are blessed with a conscience.
7)  Humans are able to sin.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Diamante Poem

Dodo Bird
Silly Foolish
Singing Dancing Crying
The Velociraptor is one of the main predators for Dodo Birds.
Fearing, Dying, Killing
Screeching and Running